In September 2004, ADOT awarded a contract for the Pinal County Corridors Definition Study to Kimley-Horn and Associates. The scope of the Pinal County Corridors Definition Study included the following activities:
* Confirm the need for the East Valley and the North-South corridors;
* Define planning-level corridor definition alternatives;
* Perform a technical assessment of engineering, environmental, and land use compatibility constraints opportunities for the planning-level corridor definition alternatives;
* Identify to the extent possible, feasible and preferred planning-level corridor definitions on the basis of the technical evaluation;
* Document planning-level costs of corridor development (including studies, design, construction, and right-of-way costs) for the preferred corridor definitions.
The Pinal County Corridors Definition Study resulted in sufficient detail to provide a basis for the future establishment of geometric roadway alignments and corridor design concepts, the preservation of right-of-way, and the identification of required environmental clearance studies.
Included in this item (7)
- Pinal County Corridors Definition Study
- Identifier ValueTRT 5.2:P 45/3
- Working paper no. 1: Existing and future conditions, needs and deficiencies. (July 2005)
Working paper no. 2: Evaluation of planning-level corridor definition alternatives. (Dec. 2005)
Working paper no. 3: Evaluation of corridor definition alternatives in the Florence and Coolidge area. (June 2006)
Summary report no. 1: Public involvement report, round one. (May 2005)
Summary report no. 2: Public involvement report, round two. (Sept. 2005)
Summary report no. 3: Public involvement, round three. (Oct. 2006)
Final report. (Jan. 2007)