A Brief Analysis of Issues Associated With Bonding for the State of Arizona Students FIRST School Capital Finance Program


Students FIRST (Fair and Immediate Resources for Students Today) was enacted July 9, 1998. This paper will focus on (1) the facts and direct rationale behind the payment for K-12 school construction from a pool of current general fund dollars,

Students FIRST (Fair and Immediate Resources for Students Today) was enacted July 9, 1998. This paper will focus on (1) the facts and direct rationale behind the payment for K-12 school construction from a pool of current general fund dollars, as mandated in the Students FIRST provisions; and (2) the implications and logical consequences of bonding versus paying for capital improvements with cash on an annual basis. 'Track 1' designates the status quo strategy of cash payment for capital improvements, while 'Track 2' represents a strategy for bonding that distributes the costs of the projects to taxpayers over the course of their useful life.