Ojibwemowin Student Activity Teaching Kit (Ojibwe language)
This teaching collection includes three digitized audio cassettes from the Labriola National American Indian Data Center collection entitled Ojibwemowin [kit] : the Ojibwe language by Judith L. Vollom, Thomas M. Vollom. Ojibwemowin is located in the Labriola Center, Hayden Library, on the ASU Tempe Campus. Kit includes [currently only the sound recordings have been digitized]: - 1 teacher's manual (loose-leaf) - 1 teacher's manual (bound) - 3 workbooks - 40 animal cards - 1 transparency - 106 verb sheets - 419 flashcards - 3 sound recordings.
Students learn "He/she/they I came in."
Students learn second personal plural verbs and sentence forms- "You all are glad, you all arrive"
Students learn verb forms and sentences for "We-inclusive" and "We-exclusive" forms.