Matching Items (47,790)
Created1945-04-01 to 1945-08-01
DescriptionNewsletter China Aid Council - Combined with American Committee For Chinese War Orphans
ContributorsStein, Guenther (Editor)
Created1940-12-04 to 1941-01-01
DescriptionFortnightly Newsletter Service on Far Eastern Affairs
ContributorsWade, Constance (Editor)
DescriptionReprinted from ASIA and The AMERICAS
ContributorsSmedley, Agnes, 1892-1950 (Author)
DescriptionThe East and West Association - Undated - 1 page newsletter regarding Revised Schedule of Meetings: China and India: The People and Their Lands: March 24: The Fighting Chinese: China and World War II.
ContributorsSmedley, Agnes, 1892-1950 (Author)
DescriptionThe Soviet Union as a World Power
DescriptionWorld Events Interpreted by Scott Nearing
ContributorsBurke, James (Author)
DescriptionReports brought back to the United States by James Burke
DescriptionThe National Herald, New York, Sunday, January 21, 1945 - pages 2 and 6
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Front matter for Volume 18 of the Agnes Smedley Collection