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In 2006, the Bureau of Justice Statistics awarded a State Justice Statistics grant to the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission’s Statistical Analysis Center to conduct research on homicide in Arizona. The Center, with assistance from local law enforcement officials, and researchers from the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University, collected homicide data from the following sources: Supplemental Homicide Reports, law enforcement homicide case files, and autopsy reports. The purpose of this report is to provide a general description of the scope and nature of the homicide problem in Arizona. Specifically, this report examines the general characteristics of victims and offenders, the circumstances surrounding homicide incidents, temporal patterns when homicides occur, and the geographic characteristics where homicides took place.
This inventory includes emissions of coarse particulate matter <10 µm in diameter (PM10), fine particulate matter < 2.5 µm (PM2.5), nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and ammonia. Emissions are calculated for both Maricopa County and the PM10 nonattaiment area. Annual totals as well as typical daily emissions are provided for all source categories.
This inventory includes emissions of volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide. Annual totals as well as typical ozone season-day (summer) emissions are provided for most source categories.
The primary purpose of this study was to develop a plan that enables the Town to facilitate safer and more efficient infrastructure for the traveling public and guide the development of the Business District. This study recommends phased improvement projects to address the multimodal transportation needs of the community, while steering community development and project funding. The study findings will also be incorporated into the Town's Capital Improvement Planning process for the next 5-, 10-, and 20-year time frames.

This report addresses (1) expenditures for the recruitment, retention, training, licensing, and tracking of homes maintained by foster parents; (2) an assessment of whether the Department’s contract process of home recruitment, study, and supervision is the most appropriate means to provide these services; and (3) best performance measures to evaluate the effectiveness of these services. Although contracting appears to be an appropriate method for obtaining foster home recruitment-related services, the Department should improve how it contracts for these services.
The purpose of the ambient air monitoring network is to sample air pollution in a variety of settings, assess the health and welfare effects, and assist in determining sources of air pollution. In general, six basic monitoring objectives and five measuring scales are used to determine the network design. Since it is physically and fiscally impossible to monitor the air in every location, representative samples must be obtained. These samples are determined by using the monitoring objectives and the spatial measurement scales. The network must be dynamic enough to maintain a current representative sample of the air quality. Air quality issues such as eight-hour ozone non-attainment boundaries and permits for new sources are diverse and controversial subjects for the citizens of Maricopa County. With its robust air monitoring network and mobile monitoring tools, the department strives to provide the most reliable and relevant air monitoring data to the public.

This document is designed to improve compliance with Maricopa County air pollution rules and regulations, with particular emphasis on Rule 310, which deals with fugitive dust sources, a major source of PM-10. It also describes control measures and work strategies that will assist in ensuring compliance with Rule 310. Also included in this report is a glossary of terms, a brief summary of applicable County air pollution regulations, and detailed information on the requirements for implementation of dust control practices.

This update of the Greenlee County Airport (CFT) Master Plan has been undertaken to evaluate the airport’s capabilities and role, to review forecasts of future aviation demand, and to plan for the timely development of new or expanded facilities that may be required to meet that demand. The ultimate goal of the master plan is to provide systematic guidelines for the airport’s overall development, maintenance, and operation.
The Board of Supervisors make an estimate of the different amounts required to meet the public expenditures/expenses for the ensuing year, also an estimate of revenues from sources other than direct taxation, and the amount to be raised by taxation upon real and personal property of Graham County.

The Chandler Redevelopment Element is an element of the Chandler General Plan and updates the city's 1987 Redevelopment Plan with more emphasis placed on defining the implementation measures.