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The Maricopa County Voluntary Vehicle Repair and Retrofit Program has been suspended due to current economic circumstances that have resulted in a loss of funding for the Program. While the Program is unable to provide financial assistance for vehicle emission repairs, the Air Quality Department recommends that the necessary repair work be completed by ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified professionals at an Arizona Green Business repair facility. From its introduction in January 1999 through June 2009, the Voluntary Vehicle Repair and Retrofit Program had been funded by the State of Arizona. From July 2009 through November 2010, the program was funded by an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. The Program provided monetary assistance to qualifying owners of older, high-emitting vehicles that had failed a required emissions test. Over the years, the program helped over 11,700 vehicles meet Arizona emissions standards, resulting in the reduction of over 2,100 tons of pollution.
During a fiscal year, employment sites are processed by the Trip Reduction Program. The TRP produces a detailed statistical summary report for each employment and student site. In addition, the TRP Task Force, along with the TRP staff, reviewed and approve Trip Reduction plans. The report tracks and analyzes the commuting habits of employees and students in Maricopa County.

These regulations constitute the legal basis for control of air pollution sources in Maricopa County, Arizona. They are adopted to implement the policy set forth in Title 49 of the Arizona Revised Statutes and to fulfill the State's responsibilities under the Federal Clean Air Act and its amendments to provide a legally enforceable State Implementation Plan for the attainment and maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. This printing of the regulations incorporates changes adopted by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors through September 2013.

These regulations constitute the legal basis for control of air pollution sources in Maricopa County, Arizona. They are adopted to implement the policy set forth in Title 49 of the Arizona Revised Statutes and to fulfill the State's responsibilities under the Federal Clean Air Act and its amendments to provide a legally enforceable State Implementation Plan for the attainment and maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. This printing of the regulations incorporates changes adopted by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors through January 2011.
Working to provide clean air to Maricopa County residents and visitors so they can live, work, and play in a healthy environment.
The Adult Probation Department Annual Reports illustrate the Department’s ongoing commitment to enhance public safety and promote positive behavior change from individuals under its supervision. During the year, significant steps are taken in their continuing initiative to fully integrate evidence-based practices into the organizational culture.
The Research and Planning Services Division provides data retrieval and analysis for a variety of stakeholders, statistical reporting to a number of County and State entities, and survey design and implementation. Staff is also responsible for strategic planning and Managing for Results reporting and coordination. In the future, this Division will become involved in program evaluation, statistical analysis and research into best practices and trends.
The tuberculosis surveillance report provides data regarding TB rates in Maricopa County. Maricopa County Department of Public Health, Clinical Services Division, provides direct patient care for TB cases within Maricopa County.

All statistics were derived from data in the Arizona Department of Health Services final annual files. The information presented in this report includes data collected from Maricopa County residents during telephone survey interviews conducted by ADHS. Arizona residents from other counties were not included.
The Maricopa County Department of Public Health and the Maricopa County Department of Environmental Services work closely to educate and protect the residents of Maricopa County against West Nile Virus.