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Created2006 to 2013

The Countywide Strategic plan is a comprehensive planning document that organizes County government’s long-term vision into 10 strategic priority areas and 29 strategic goals. The Strategic Priorities outlined in this document were established to help maintain a focus on the most critical issues facing us as a local government over

The Countywide Strategic plan is a comprehensive planning document that organizes County government’s long-term vision into 10 strategic priority areas and 29 strategic goals. The Strategic Priorities outlined in this document were established to help maintain a focus on the most critical issues facing us as a local government over the next five years. They provide focus for policy and funding decisions and, where appropriate, provide guidance in the reallocation of existing resources. The accomplishments listed in the annual reports are reflective of the actions departments are taking to contribute to the overall success of achieving the goals in the plan.


The La Paz County Comprehensive Plan is the first overall plan for development countywide. Due to the passage of new state requirements and a desire to plan for the future, the La Paz County Board of Supervisors contracted with Partners for Strategic Action, Inc. to develop the county’s first comprehensive

The La Paz County Comprehensive Plan is the first overall plan for development countywide. Due to the passage of new state requirements and a desire to plan for the future, the La Paz County Board of Supervisors contracted with Partners for Strategic Action, Inc. to develop the county’s first comprehensive plan. The consulting team was directed to solicit broad community participation, study the county planning area, and develop a plan that would be an easy-to-understand policy document that will guide La Paz County’s development in the future.


The purpose of this study was to develop a multi-modal transportation plan that outlines the region’s transportation priority projects and provides a plan for ultimate implementation. The transportation study was focused around identifying regional mobility needs that can accommodate the anticipated future population and employment growth. This transportation study is

The purpose of this study was to develop a multi-modal transportation plan that outlines the region’s transportation priority projects and provides a plan for ultimate implementation. The transportation study was focused around identifying regional mobility needs that can accommodate the anticipated future population and employment growth. This transportation study is a joint effort of Navajo County, the City of Holbrook, the City of Winslow and the Arizona Department of Transportation to develop multi-modal transportation recommendations for the study area, Heber-Overgaard, Holbrook and Winslow over a 20-year planning horizon.


The Yuma Regional Transit Study identifies transit needs within southwestern Yuma County and presents recommended transit system improvements based on three funding scenarios. This study examined current and projected population, demographics, and employment for the region, conducted extensive public outreach and data collection, identified transit deficiencies and developed recommended transit

The Yuma Regional Transit Study identifies transit needs within southwestern Yuma County and presents recommended transit system improvements based on three funding scenarios. This study examined current and projected population, demographics, and employment for the region, conducted extensive public outreach and data collection, identified transit deficiencies and developed recommended transit improvements based on the identified deficiencies.


The continued growth of the human-built environment in Pima County, Arizona will result in the “incidental take” of species that are listed under the Endangered Species Act. To avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts to both listed and unlisted species and their habitats, Pima County is submitting this Multi-species Conservation Plan

The continued growth of the human-built environment in Pima County, Arizona will result in the “incidental take” of species that are listed under the Endangered Species Act. To avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts to both listed and unlisted species and their habitats, Pima County is submitting this Multi-species Conservation Plan for 44 species that may be impacted as a result of the otherwise lawful activities of Pima County and its development community. The Incidental Take Permit, also called a Section 10 permit, will be for 30 years. This MSCP is part of the required documentation needed to receive an Incidental Take Permit under Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA.


The Multiple Species Conservation Plan will complete the land use planning process in a conflict between competing interests on the question of growth. A path of balance was chosen by advancing the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan. This second draft will be posted on the website and distributed to interested community

The Multiple Species Conservation Plan will complete the land use planning process in a conflict between competing interests on the question of growth. A path of balance was chosen by advancing the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan. This second draft will be posted on the website and distributed to interested community and committee members. A public process will be conducted so that during 200t the document can be finalized and submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as part of the application for a federal endangered species permit.


Newsletter with information you should know about the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan and Comprehensive Land Use Plan.

Created2005 to 2008

This report was prepared to briefly highlight Arizona’s metallic mineral potential and current projects. It has been compiled from annual reports, websites, personal interviews, news articles, and other sources. It is acknowledged that there are additional activities and available properties not listed in this report.


Pima County, in partnership with the National Park Service, has been an active participant in the development of a 70 mile segment of the trail. With the preparation of this Master Plan, Pima County has embarked on an active program to acquire the necessary rights-of-way and easements and to construct

Pima County, in partnership with the National Park Service, has been an active participant in the development of a 70 mile segment of the trail. With the preparation of this Master Plan, Pima County has embarked on an active program to acquire the necessary rights-of-way and easements and to construct the Pima County segment of the national historic trail.


In this initial (interim) report, 21 different natural resource based outdoor recreational activities are identified. These activities are believed to represent the most popular natural resource based recreational activities in eastern Pima County. Based on the best information available, the document provides an overview and description of each of the

In this initial (interim) report, 21 different natural resource based outdoor recreational activities are identified. These activities are believed to represent the most popular natural resource based recreational activities in eastern Pima County. Based on the best information available, the document provides an overview and description of each of the noted activities. Information is also provided regarding the primary or preferred locations where the subject activity occurs. Data on participation in the individual activity is included where available. Use patterns, such as seasons when the activity is most prevalent, have been identified and trends related to changes in participation levels are discussed. Finally, issues related to the recreational activity vis-a-vis the goals of the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan are also presented.