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- All Subjects: Phoenix, AZ

DescriptionSelected article titles: "Homophobia and Sexism Disclosed in Navy Memo"; "Court Rules for Discrimination Against Gay Ads"; "Survey of Gay 'Hotlines' Finds Broad Participation"; "Queers in TV Land"; "The Nurses of Love"

DescriptionSelected article titles: "Federal Judge Blocks Law Restricting Adult Telephone Services"; "Protesters Arrested at Bush Appearance"; "Groups Under Investigation Over Miller Boycott"; "Choosing Our Own Labels"; "Reclaiming Tradition"

DescriptionSelected article titles: "House Votes to Suppress Feminist Art Work"; "Western Union Issues Non-Discrimination Policy"; "Congress Passes AIDS Homeless Bill"; "Prison Official Ban Gay Novel"; "They Am What They Am"

DescriptionSelected article titles: "Phoenix Pride Event a Success"; "Gay Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses to Convene This Summer"; "No Guts, Old Glory"; "Battling Bashing: Reports Show Anti-Gay Violence Pervasive in U.S."; "Turning Gay Pages: Second Annual Lambda Literary Awards Held in Las Vegas"

DescriptionSelected article titles: "Lesbian Denied Employment Sues Police Department"; "First Lady Addresses Parents of Gays"; "Efforts to Enact Mandatory HIV Testing Rejected"; "Before Entering the Corridors of Power, Please Check Your Ideals at the Door"; "In Defense of Drag: Beware of Costumophobia at Gay Pride Events"

DescriptionSelected article titles: "Gov. Jerry Brown: Is He The One?"; "Jerry Brown Up Front on Human Rights Issue"; "Farewell to the Casa"; "Time Essay: The Eclipse of the Gentleman"; "Jerry Brown's Support is Out of the Closet"

DescriptionSelected article titles: "Why We Are Marching"; "Republicans And … Gays: In Arizona That's Like Oil and… Water!"; "Watertown Minister Preaches 'Death to Homos'"; "Movie 'Cruising' Gets a Bruising"; "Iran Minister Shakes His Booty"

DescriptionSelected article titles: "2nd Anniversary Another Year -- And More to Come"; "The Case for a Sane Belief System"; "Homosexuality: Tolerance vs. Approval"; "Asshole of the Month Senator John Briggs"; If Only I Were a Hundred…The Clinic Will Help You"

DescriptionSelected article titles: "The Times of Harvey Milk" Wins Three Emmy Awards; Ticket Stubs; Trivia Twist with Trish; LGAU Denied Funding… Again; LGAU Workshops

DescriptionSelected article titles: Gay Fathers, Gay Sons: A Look at Gay Parenting; Phoenix Lesbian and Gay Pride Festival a Success; Desert Hearts: A Review; "La Cage" Comes to Town; Mobilization Update