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- All Subjects: Death Certificate
- All Subjects: Ship Manifest
- All Subjects: Request
- Member of: Chinese Immigrants in Cuba: Documents From the James and Ana Melikian Collection

This was a formal request to import more Chinese settlers for labor that was sent to the governor and captain of Cuba. The request was written by Carlos de Laldo, who was the director of a bank and insurance company on the island of Cuba. Carlos stated that quality ships with good hygienic standards, and a crew that could provide adequate care to the settlers were needed to improve the established system of importing Chinese settlers. He also specified that ships designed for efficiency and speed should be selected for transporting the settlers to Cuba. Finally, he requested permission for his company to import up to 15,000 Chinese settlers. 1858.

DescriptionCertification of death of a Chinese settler belonging to Ingenio Harmony 1865

DescriptionDeath record of Bartolome, a Chinese settler who died from pulmonary consumption. 1865.

These official documents formed an application/request for a carta de domicilio, or permanent residence documents, that belonged to a Chinese settler named Salvador. The documents included in this selection are the official written request for Salvador's carta de domicilio that was signed on February 22, 1866, two letters that were written by two of his past landlords expressing their satisfaction with his good conduct and dedication to his work, his baptism certificate, and an official acceptance of his request for his carta de domicilio with an instruction to expedite his card that was signed on April 18, 1866.

These compiled records formed the application for permanent residence on the island of Cuba that belonged to a Chinese settler named Feliciano. Included in this collection are the formal written request for Feliciano's permanent residence card, his baptism certificate, several documents written by his past owners attesting to his good conduct during the completion of his labor contracts, and two copies of two of his second labor contracts. The last document in this collection is the written acceptance of his request for permanent residence that was signed in 1868.

This collection of official documents formed the application for a carta de domicilio, or permanent residence card, that belonged to a Chinese settler named Fermin. The documents included in the application packet include two of Fermin's second labor contracts from 1860 and 1867, his baptism certificate that was signed in 1867, a rehire request signed in 1867, a certificate written by one of his past owners that certified that Fermin had completed two labor contracts with satisfactory conduct, and a written request for his carta de domicilio that was signed on April 6, 1868.

This collection of official documents formed the application for a carta de domicilio, or permission to permanently reside in Cuba, that belonged to a Chinese settler named Wencerlao Calderin. The documents that are included in this selection are Calderin's official request for his carta de domicilio that was signed on June 26, 1866, a rehire request that was signed in 1855, and five separate certifications of contract completion and good conduct that were written by his past owners.

Ship manifest on a shipment of Chinese settlers in the Spanish ship “Encarnacion” from Swatao City. List of the 316 Chinese settlers in Havana. 1855. General information to the Captain of the island that has hired a boat to bring Cuba Chinese settlers. List of the 365 boarding Chinese settlers in Havana in the American ship “Florida”, from Swatao from 1857

List of 590 Chinese settlers brought from China to Cuba to serve as indentured servants. They arrived in Havana abroad the American frigate, the Sky Lark. 1855.

DescriptionList of Chinese settlers brought to Cuba from China abroad the Spanish frigate, "Emigrante". These settlers are all from Macao.