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78529-Thumbnail Image.png
DescriptionVarious currency receipts to various Chinese settlers from their owners.
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DescriptionA death certificate for Gabrino Allin, a Chinese immigrant. He died in the Royal Hospital of San Felipe y Santiago. He was buried in the general cemetery.
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DescriptionA death certificate for Santiago Canton, a Chinese immigrant. He died in the Royal Hospital of San Felipe y Santiago. He was buried in the general cemetery.
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DescriptionDeath certificate for Jose, a Chinese immigrant. He died in the Royal Hospital of San Felipe y Santiago and was buried in the general cemetery.
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DescriptionDeath certificate for Julian, a Chinese immigrant. He died in the Royal Hospital of San Felipe y Santiago. He died from hepatitis and was buried in the general cemetery.
77930-Thumbnail Image.png
DescriptionA letter from the Association of the Chinese settlers Victoria de las Tunas Delegation to the Governor of the Province of Oriente. The Victoria de las Tunas delegation was sending their election roll detailing who makes up their new leadership body.
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DescriptionThis election roll lists the new leadership for the Association of the Chinese Settlers' Victoria de las Tunas delegation. It lists the names of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Secretary, Vice Treasurer, and the speakers. Sent to the Provincial Government of Oriente.
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DescriptionA letter from the Association of the Chinese Settlers' Victoria de las Tunas Delegation to the Governor of the Province of Oriente. It concerns the laws governing the Province of the Orient.
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DescriptionThis balance sheet lists the monthly income of the Association of Chinese Settlers. Kong Ky, the treasurer certifies that the amounts are correct. Sent to the Provincial Government of Oriente.
77950-Thumbnail Image.png
DescriptionA letter from Guillermo Cuan and Mario Cuan, the President and the Secretary of the Delegation of Guantanamo to the Provincial Government of Oriente. It lists the President, Vice President, Secretary, the Vice Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice Treasurer.