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DescriptionRecords for the ship, Seraphina, which brought Chinese settlers from China to Cuba. On this trip, the Serafina brought 400 settlers from Cuba. The Serafina stopped in Amoy and the Cape of Good Hope before going to Cuba.
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DescriptionRecords for the ship Maria Clotilde, which brought Chinese settlers from China to Cuba under contract with Troncaso Bustamante and Company. On this trip, the Maria Clotilde brought 256 settlers from China to work. They were hired to be domestic servants.
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This is a list of sixty Chinese settlers whose eight year labor contracts were transferred to Banco de San Carlos upon their arrival in Havana. The settlers were transported to Cuba aboard the Spanish ship "Emigrante", and they were required to work as indentured servants for eight years. These settlers

This is a list of sixty Chinese settlers whose eight year labor contracts were transferred to Banco de San Carlos upon their arrival in Havana. The settlers were transported to Cuba aboard the Spanish ship "Emigrante", and they were required to work as indentured servants for eight years. These settlers were hired by the bank to do fieldwork in Matanzas, Cuba. 1865.
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DescriptionList of workers who were recently hired by various employers. It lists the name of the employer or company, the name of the settler and their personal details.
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DescriptionRecords for the ship Catalonia, which brought Chinese settlers from China to Cuba. On this trip, the Catalonia brought 524 settlers from China to work. The ship was captained by Escajadillo.
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DescriptionRecords for the ship Amboto, which brought Chinese settlers from China to Cuba. On this trip, the Amboto brought twelve settlers from China to work. The ship was captained by Laureano Ausuatigue.
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DescriptionThis is a second labor contract that was shared between a Chinese settler, Aristoteles, and la Empresa del ferro carril, the railroad company; the term of the contract was for one year. 1868. Signed in Chinese.
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DescriptionThis document grants release to a Chinese settler that had been previously imprisoned.
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Records for the ship, Rosa de Furia, which brought Chinese settlers from China to Cuba. On this trip, the Rosa de Furia docked in Havana.

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DescriptionJan-Acao, a Chinese settler, converted to Christianity. He chose the name Cristobal and his godfather was Jose Alonso y Delgado.