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- Member of: Chinese Immigrants in Cuba: Documents From the James and Ana Melikian Collection
DescriptionList of 47 Chinese settlers brought to Cuba on the ship "Auguste y Gustave" they were hired to work on the Ingenio Faith in 1864.
DescriptionA report on the results of Chinese immigration to Cuba, the average ages of these immigrants and what they have done since coming to Cuba. 1865.
DescriptionRecords for the ship American Eagle, which brought Chinese settlers from China to Cuba under contract with Jose Castro and Jose Manuel.
DescriptionRecords for the ships Hound and Sky Lark, which brought Chinese settlers from China to Cuba under contract with Manuel B. de Pereda. On this trip, the Sky Lark brought 532 settlers from China to work.
Dossier formed to enter the island of Cuba in a shipment of Chinese settlers in the French ship “Eugene & Adele”. General information to the Captain of the island that has hired a French ship to bring Cuba Chinese settlers: boarding list of the 466 Chinese settlers in Macao; some official communications on the subject; list of the 466 boarding Chinese settlers received in Havana; superior civil government documents on the authorization of the shipment; investigation into the death of 43 Chinese settlers on the trip to Cuba; list of the dead with their data, latitude and longitude; research (appointment of scribe, translator, questions and answers from the captain; questions and answers from the pilot; questions and answers of several sailors; questions and answers of the translator; questions and answers from the Chinese translator; questions and answers from the ship’s doctor; questions and answers of some Chinese settlers.)
DescriptionShipping list of Chinese settlers brought to Cuba in the Spanish ship "Amboto" in 1873 with 900 settlers from Macao
DescriptionRecords for the ship Amboto, which brought Chinese settlers from China to Cuba. On this trip, the Amboto brought twelve settlers from China to work. The ship was captained by Laureano Ausuatigue.
A contract between Melitin, a Chinese settler, and la Compania de Caminos de Hierro. The contract was to last for six months and lists the legal requirements of both the employee and the employer. Notes that Melitin completed a contract previously. Signed by Manuel Barque and Melitin, who signed in Chinese.
DescriptionRecords for the ship Alfonso de Alburquerque, which brought Chinese settlers from China to Cuba. On this trip, the Alfonso de Alburquerque brought Cheong Tan, or Leopoldo from China to work.
Records for the ship Tamaris, which brought Chinese settlers from China to Cuba.