From 2007 until 2010, Dr. Peterson Zah and Dr. Peter Iverson met in the Labriola National American Indian Data Center to record talks for their new book We Will Secure Our Future: Empowering the Navajo Nation.

In this interview, Peterson Zah

From 2007 until 2010, Dr. Peterson Zah and Dr. Peter Iverson met in the Labriola National American Indian Data Center to record talks for their new book We Will Secure Our Future: Empowering the Navajo Nation.

In this interview, Peterson Zah reflects on his academic and professional experiences from 1947-1987. Zah's academic experiences range from him first attending boarding school, transferring to Phoenix Indian School's Navajo Special Program, attending public high school, and graduating from Arizona State University in 1963. Professional experiences discussed in this interview include working for ASU's Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) volunteer training program, being employed by DNA People's Legal Services and some of their influential cases, and his greatest accomplishments while serving as Tribal Chairmen from 1983-1987. Zah also addresses the creation of the Navajo education policy and briefly discusses key points in Navajo history, such as relocation and significant treaties.

Included in this item (5)


  • Peterson Zah and Peter Iverson Interview, June 12, 2007
Date Created
  • Identifier Type
    Locally defined identifier
    Identifier Value
  • Audio recording number 2, duration twelve seconds, is not included due to its lack of relevance and significant content concerning the interview as a whole. For this refrained twelves seconds of audio, refer to the transcript.

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"Peterson Zah and Peter Iverson Interview, June 12, 2007" (2012-04590). Labriola National American Indian Data Center. Department of Archives and Special Collections. University Libraries. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.

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