Included in this item (25)
Poston Chronicle, 1943: 11
Permanent Link
Poston Chronicle, 1943: 10
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Poston Chronicle, 1944: 01
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- Poston Chronicle
Collections this item is in
- Digitized in 2005 from the combined microfilm holdings of the Arizona Collection, ASU Library and the Arizona State Library.
- Additional hardcopy holdings from 1942 and early 1943 were digitized in 2017 and added.
- English text in most PDF files is searchable. Some pages cannot be searched due to light original print or poor quality microfilm.
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This is a suggested citation. Consult the appropriate style guide for specific citation guidelines.
Japanese Internment Camp Newsletter Digitization Project (2005). 2016-05009 Poston Chronicle, Poston, AZ: War Relocation Authority. Greater Arizona Collection. ASU Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.