Audio file

The recording presents three telephone conversations:

00:00:00 Billing dispute between Western Federal Corporation and Arizona Republic Advertising;

00:02:40 Discussion regarding members of unidentified executive committee;

00:04:08 Off the record interview of Shadegg by unidentified KOOL-TV reporter regarding the Arizona Select Law Enforcement Review Commission ca. 1980.

MP3 (17.2 MB)


  • Shadegg Telephone Conversation Recording
Resource Type
  • Sound
  • Note
    • Digitized in 2014 from the original tape media. A higher quality WAV file is available.
    • A conversation with Shadegg's physician present in the original media was deleted from this file in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

    Citation and reuse

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    This is a suggested citation. Consult the appropriate style guide for specific citation guidelines.

    Stephen Shadegg Papers, Arizona Historical Foundation Collection, Arizona State University Library.

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