- Strategic Plan for the Arizona Geographic Information Council
- Arizona. Geographic Information Council (Contributor)
- Identifier TypeArizona Documents Classification System (AZDOCS)Identifier ValueGIC 1.2:S 76/992
Executive summary -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Background: the development of GIS in Arizona -- A. Historical context -- B. Current status of GIS in Arizona -- C. Legal authority for AGIC, Alris, and the State Cartographer -- 3. Role of the Arizona Geographic Information Council -- A. AGIC's mission statement -- B. Organizational structure -- C. A vision of the future for AGIC and Arizona -- 4. Strategic issues and situation assessments -- A. Data resources -- B. Technology -- C. Administrative and legal issues -- D. Information exchange -- E. Education -- 5. Proposed objectives and strategies -- A. Data resources -- B. Technology -- C. Administrative and legal issues -- D. Information exchange -- E. Education -- 6. Action plan -- A. Data resources -- B. Technology -- C. Administrative and legal issues -- D. Information exchange -- E. Education -- 7. Appendices. A. Strategic planning committee and subcommittees -- B. Executive order
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Strategic Plan for the Arizona Geographic Information Council (Phoenix, Arizona: Arizona Geographic Information Council, 1992)
Statement of Responsibility
Dr. Frank Aldrich, Arizona State University; Marian Arnold, Arizona State Land Department;William C. Bayham, City of Phoenix; Howard Billings, Arizona Department of Water Resources;Alan DeLoera, Yavapai County; Thomas C. English, U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs; Chris Flaccus,City of Flagstaff; Seth Franzman, Arizona Department of Revenue; Diana Barnes Freshwater, ThePlanning Center; Phil Friesen, Cochise County; Ben A. Froehlich, Arizona Department of Adminis-tration; E. Jim Gardner, Maricopa County; Frank Harrison, Maricopa County; Wayne K. Hood, III,Arizona Department of Environmental Quality; Dr. Charles F. Hutchinson, University of Arizona;Scott Hutchinson, Arizona Department of Transportation; Gary Irish, Arizona State Land Department;Merle Johnson, Pima County; Sally Lanier, Arizona Game and Fish Department; Lynn Larson,Arizona State Land Department; Dr. Alan Lew, Northern Arizona University; John Louis, ArizonaDepartment of Transportation; Robert MacArthur, University of Arizona; Brian Miller, US WestCommunications; Mike Miller, City of Phoenix; Mark Mulligan, City of Phoenix; Peggy O'Sullivan-Kachel, Arizona Department of Administration; Bill O'Sullivan-Kachel, Arizona State LandDepartment; Curtis Overall, Arizona State Land Department; Jim Price, Arizona Department ofAdministration; John Regan, Pima County; Frank Secondo, Arizona Department of Water Resources;Jack Shomenta, Maricopa County; Mike Sicurello, Pima County; Howard Stapleton, ArizonaDepartment of Water Resources; J.R. Swinnerton, U.S. Geological Survey; Bill Timmins, GlobalSystems Modeling; David Totman, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality; Eugene Trobia,Pima County; David Varela, Salt River Project; Steve Whitney, Pima County; and Craig Wissler,University of Arizona.