
The Strategic Plan for the Arizona Geographic Information Council (AGIC) is intended to serve as a guide to help AGIC develop and manage GIS and geographic information resources in Arizona.

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    • Strategic Plan for the Arizona Geographic Information Council
    Date Created
    Resource Type
  • Text
  • Identifier
    • Identifier Type
      Arizona Documents Classification System (AZDOCS)
      Identifier Value
      GIC 1.2:S 76/992
    Table Of Contents
  • Executive summary -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Background: the development of GIS in Arizona -- A. Historical context -- B. Current status of GIS in Arizona -- C. Legal authority for AGIC, Alris, and the State Cartographer -- 3. Role of the Arizona Geographic Information Council -- A. AGIC's mission statement -- B. Organizational structure -- C. A vision of the future for AGIC and Arizona -- 4. Strategic issues and situation assessments -- A. Data resources -- B. Technology -- C. Administrative and legal issues -- D. Information exchange -- E. Education -- 5. Proposed objectives and strategies -- A. Data resources -- B. Technology -- C. Administrative and legal issues -- D. Information exchange -- E. Education -- 6. Action plan -- A. Data resources -- B. Technology -- C. Administrative and legal issues -- D. Information exchange -- E. Education -- 7. Appendices. A. Strategic planning committee and subcommittees -- B. Executive order

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    This is a suggested citation. Consult the appropriate style guide for specific citation guidelines.

    Strategic Plan for the Arizona Geographic Information Council (Phoenix, Arizona: Arizona Geographic Information Council, 1992)

    Statement of Responsibility

    The development of this Strategic Plan for the Arizona Geographic Information Council was largely avolunteer effort, involving many people who either served on the Strategic Planning Committee or itssubcommittees or offered staff support. AGIC is grateful to the following individuals, who made thisPlan possible with their generous contributions of time, energy, and creative ideas:

    Dr. Frank Aldrich, Arizona State University; Marian Arnold, Arizona State Land Department;William C. Bayham, City of Phoenix; Howard Billings, Arizona Department of Water Resources;Alan DeLoera, Yavapai County; Thomas C. English, U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs; Chris Flaccus,City of Flagstaff; Seth Franzman, Arizona Department of Revenue; Diana Barnes Freshwater, ThePlanning Center; Phil Friesen, Cochise County; Ben A. Froehlich, Arizona Department of Adminis-tration; E. Jim Gardner, Maricopa County; Frank Harrison, Maricopa County; Wayne K. Hood, III,Arizona Department of Environmental Quality; Dr. Charles F. Hutchinson, University of Arizona;Scott Hutchinson, Arizona Department of Transportation; Gary Irish, Arizona State Land Department;Merle Johnson, Pima County; Sally Lanier, Arizona Game and Fish Department; Lynn Larson,Arizona State Land Department; Dr. Alan Lew, Northern Arizona University; John Louis, ArizonaDepartment of Transportation; Robert MacArthur, University of Arizona; Brian Miller, US WestCommunications; Mike Miller, City of Phoenix; Mark Mulligan, City of Phoenix; Peggy O'Sullivan-Kachel, Arizona Department of Administration; Bill O'Sullivan-Kachel, Arizona State LandDepartment; Curtis Overall, Arizona State Land Department; Jim Price, Arizona Department ofAdministration; John Regan, Pima County; Frank Secondo, Arizona Department of Water Resources;Jack Shomenta, Maricopa County; Mike Sicurello, Pima County; Howard Stapleton, ArizonaDepartment of Water Resources; J.R. Swinnerton, U.S. Geological Survey; Bill Timmins, GlobalSystems Modeling; David Totman, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality; Eugene Trobia,Pima County; David Varela, Salt River Project; Steve Whitney, Pima County; and Craig Wissler,University of Arizona.

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