The effects of increased truck loads and higher tire pressures on performance of flexible pavements were investigated in this project. This Volume 1 report presents the research performed and the useful results obtained. Tire pressure studies were performed using both in field measurements and theoretical simulations of the effects of tire pressures on pavements. Volume 2, provides documentation for all of the computer programs developed on the project.
Included in this item (1)
Evaluation of Increased Pavement Loading: Volume II - Computer Program Documentation
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Author (aut): Hudson, Stuart W. / Author (aut): Seeds, Stephen B. / Issuing body (isb): Arizona. Department of Transportation / Contributor (ctb): United States. Department of Transportation / Contributor (ctb): United States. Federal Highway Administration
- Evaluation of Increased Pavement Loading
- Hudson, Stuart W. (Author)
- Seeds, Stephen B. (Author)
- Arizona. Department of Transportation (Issuing body)
- United States. Department of Transportation (Contributor)
- United States. Federal Highway Administration (Contributor)
Date Created
The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
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