Rubén Darío Papers 1882-1945
The Rubén Darío Papers contain approximately 900 handwritten pages of poetry, essays, short stories, diplomatic memos, and personal letters created by Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío (1867-1916). These manuscripts document Darío's life and work as a journalist, diplomat, and poet between 1882 and 1915.
Rubén Darío was born on January 18, 1867 in Metapa, Nicaragua, which is currently known as Ciudad Darío. He is recognized as one of Latin America's most famous poets and as Nicaragua's most revered cultural figure. Throughout his short life, Darío worked as a journalist (most notably in Argentina and Chile), as a diplomat (he held official posts for the Nicaraguan government in Spain and France), and as a poet and author of essays and other literary works. He is considered the founder of modernism/modernismo, a 20th-century Latin American literary movement. Darío died on February 16, 1916 in León, Nicaragua.
The Rubén Darío Papers physical collection is housed and archived in the Arizona State University Libraries Archives & Special Collections. For a description of the physical archival collection see the Arizona Archives Online Rubén Darío Papers Finding Aid.